Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Final Welcome Mat design

This is my final design for the Welcome Mat project for the Jamaican Culture. The Jamaican culture has strong beliefs about their colors and symbols. In Jamaica, the color black symbolizes strength , gold symbolizes wealth and beauty and green symbolizes hope and agricultural resources. To keep along with their culture, I choose to use the colors, black, gold, and green. I mainly used the color black because it seemed to have a stronger meaning in the Jamaican society, probably symbolizing their independence as a country. To go along with their independence and strength i choose to use a chain design. To blend the Jamaican Culture with American culture i choose to simplify the design and make the mat a 2 to 1 ratio. The design itself has a curvature in each chain. These curves create a comfort when walked on and develop on the idea of what "welcome" means.

Monday, January 28, 2008

final project for My Sisters House

Final Plan

Kitchen Area

Kitchen and living area

Living area and entrance to bedrooms

Sunday, January 27, 2008

interview with Perez

Interview with Genaro Perez Kelsey and Candice

Name: Genaro Perez
Country of birth: South Mexico
Age: 50
Occupation: Janitor at UNCG
How did he get to the USA?
Traveled from Southern Mexico to Northern Mexico, crossed a river, took off his clothes and then traveled through the desert for two days. Then he knocked on doors and finally came across and Indian man in Arizona and he gave him food. Perez then traveled by bus to Texas and got a job at a car dealership making one hundred dollars a week.
Perez left behind his three children in Mexico. The children’s mother and him are separated, yet they still keep in contact. Two of the children came to America a couple years later.
Life in America:
Job in Texas in car dealership
Maine picking blueberries
Florida picking tomatoes
New Jersey picking blueberries
Pennsylvania working in construction
Picking apples in Pennsylvania
Firewood company in Pennsylvania
North Carolina working at the Biltmore Hotel and Homewood Suites
North Carolina inspecting pills
North Carolina as a Janitor at UNCG
How did he adapt?
Learned language and customs of America through his girlfriend who was an English teacher at an apple farm. Also watched peoples faces and ate American food.
Only got jobs through word of mouth from fellow Mexicans. He missed his family incredibly, however he said that he was never discriminated against by fellow Americans.
He longs for his home country and would like to go back there in the next five to ten years after he retires to be with his mother.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Computing in Architectural Design

Computing today has become an important element in the design process. In the beginning of computer development, they did not assist the designer or user to its fullest potential. The computer could only do so much for the designer.
Software such as CAD assisted the user in model construction and drafting.
It seemed as though it had a mind of its own. This software could correct mistakes the designer had made and even assisted them in dimensioning and made it easier for the designer to convey their ideas to their clients.
The computer has developed into its own environment. It could now control the actions of other objects, such as doors, surveillance, and electricity. This device has also allowed us to discover the internet, and the world with a touch of our fingertips.
In the future I could see computing systems actually taking over the design process, or even taking over jobs for people. I believe that computers will actually enable a thinking process that could correct its own mistakes and develop something on its own. I could also see computers control things such as cars, in controlling the speed of drivers with a touch of a button. This invention could even prevent car accidents or traffic jams.
Computers have ceased to amaze me. I believe computers will never stop being developed. There will always be something that they could help us with.

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Welcome Mat IAR 202

to kick of the new semester our first project is to design a welcome mat for a visitor from a country we selected from a hat, without using text. we need to create a prototype and is due at the end of the week.

My Country:
  • art is influenced from culture
  • island on west indies
  • small
  • made of volcanic hills, blue mountains, limestone plateau and coastal lowlands.
  • discovered by Christopher Columbus on May 4, 1494
  • resources include - sugar, coffee, spices , and tropical fruit
  • constitutional parliamentary democracy
  • weather: average 82
  • currency: 62.50 to $1 US
  • "Out of many, one people" - motto
  • African and European influences ( include Music)
  • English- main language, and Patois, a combination of english, spanish, portuguese and african
  • landscapes made up of vibrant colors
  • multi racial roots
  • Economy: tourism, agriculture, mining, construction, and shipping
  • Jamaican Coat of Arms
  • Jamaican Bird: Doctor bird ( swallowtail humming bird)
  • Jamaican Fruit: Ackee
  • Jamaican Flower: Blue Mahoe
  • Jamaican Tree: Lignum Vitae - wood of life

Blue Mahoe

Jamaican Coat of Arms

Lignum Vitae

Doctor Bird