Sunday, September 7, 2008

Case Study 1

Recrete Onal Equipment (REI)

The entryway for this retail store is emphasized by wooden beams creating a cantilever, and is a great way to attract a viewer’s attention. With the large windows behind theses wooden beams, you are able to see what this store sells as well as making you believe that the wooden structures are holding themselves up. The beams remind you of the outdoors because they take the shape of a shelter in the woods.

Nintendo Store- NYC, NY

Looking at this store the whole building is used as display. The façade is mainly windows and metal and bright lights to attract viewers attention. You are able to see the level change on the façade and it is incorporated in the design of the front. The bright lights are blue and surround the building. There are TV screens that display featured games and the main entry is off to the side.

Brighton Retail Store- Charlotte NC

The main entry is enclosed by a hallway but is the same level as the display windows. The main item you notice is the iron decoration in the windows and doors. The design of the iron reminds you of the items that are sold in the store as well as the logo. Above the windows are tiles in the shape of a rectangle, they don’t really fit the idea of the store but they are an added detail to the design.

Gap Retail Store- Salisbury MD
I focused on the actual window for this case study. The main attraction to this window is its use of LCD lights. The LCD lighting captures your attention first, and then you tend to focus on the display. There were a lot of materials used in the display. There is a brick façade, wood flooring, paint and a poster. The display protrudes from the store, causing you to focus on the display itself.

Wild Surf Co. - Los Angeles CA

The display for the store is on the corner of the building. Inside the window there is a lower wall displaying a checker pattern with pictures and metal. The sign for the store is protruding out from the wall and is backlit. The wall is sitting on a stage area that can also be used as a display area. The main material used is sheet metal, it is on the stage the checker pattern the sign and the shelving behind the wall. The sign is the first thing you notice because the color is contrasting to the metal behind it. The display is very simple and eye catching.
Wild Surf Co.

Kickers Retail Store
This retail stores main attraction is the main entrance. Its entry is rectangular with an organic shape inside of it. The organic shape is a bright color, which contrasts the other colors used. It also creates a hallway in which you have to walk through to get inside. The sign for the store is also in red, which makes you connect the sign to the store. The organic shape also creates a hierarchy; with the sign above the highest point of the shape you subconsciously think this store is better than the other stores.

Toys & Co. - Greensboro NC

This storefront caught my attention first with the yellow and red tile surrounding the building. The colors and the idea of the umbrella like structure overtop the main entry felt like the store was going for a circus like feel, with the umbrella structure symbolizing a circus tent. You could tell that the stores contents contained things for children because of the color scheme, bright catching the child’s attention when walking by. Surrounding the store was other outlets whose colors were very dull and ordinary, so the toy store stuck out like a sore thumb. Looking at the store, there are rectangular like shapes varying in color, the main entry on the other hand has a circular shape enticing the viewers attention.
Toys & Co.

Great Outdoors Provision Co.- Greensboro, NC

The main attraction of this store is its cedar wood façade. Since the store sells outdoor items, a cabin like feel is appropriate for the façade. It has bay windows surrounding the store and they are used to display items. The color of the doors is green, which is a complementary color to the dark wood, and reminds you of the outdoors. This retail store also attracts your attention due to the contrast with the stores around it.
Great Outdoors Provision Co.

Apple Store- NYC, New York

Apple stores usually have a great window display creating a simple idea, but the apple store does this as well but in a whole building. The façade of the apple building is made up of metal beams and glass, making it classy and simple. The logo of apple is placed in the center of the building and is backlit. Metal beams are the main idea of the structure but are used to create different patterns, vertically as well as horizontally. The first level of the building is filled with windows and is used as display areas. The main entry is directly underneath the logo with a cantilever drawing your eye.

National Product- San Franciso CA

The façade of this building caught my attention. It has a classy and unique storefront. There are exterior lights directed toward the window display and the display windows creating a hallway to walk down enclose the main entry. The exterior is covered with a teal color making it eye catching for viewers as they walk by. Also, there are details in the façade that make it more appealing. The sign for this store is in between the display windows by a metal rod, making it appear to be floating.
National Product

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